A shrine that only those called on by the gods can reach. Can you get there?

The shrines that exist throughout Japan are places where anyone can go. It does not matter what religion you believe in, what race or gender you are. However, did you know that there is a shrine that can only be reached by those who have been called on by the gods?

It is called Tamaki Shrine in Nara Prefecture, and in this article I will introduce it.

It is located on the border of Nara and Wakayama prefectures. Since it is in the mountains, access is inconvenient. It takes 120 minutes by bus even from the nearest train station. From Shin-Osaka Station, where the Shinkansen bullet train stops, it takes about 4 hours one way by car. It is physically difficult to get there, but that is not what I am talking about this time. Even if I wanted to go there, I couldn’t.

A shrine that only one in ten people can reach
Hearing this makes you want to go there, doesn’t it?

In this day and age, with the development of cars and buses, it is natural to think that anyone can go if they try hard enough. But only 10% of people get there because something mysterious happens.

There are many examples of what happens to people who try to reach the shrine:

  • Something urgent came up on the day they had planned to go.
  • Their car’s GPS system suddenly breaks down.
  • A rock fall made a hole in the road on the way, thereby closing the road.
  • They felt something was wrong with their health and could not go.

I would like to go there because it is said that those who can reach it will surely have a turning point in their lives. In the midst of these rumors, if I could get there, I might believe such things.


What kind of shrine is it?
Mount Tamaki, where Tamaki Shrine is located, is considered one of the sacred mountains. It has been visited by many ascetic practitioners and important figures of Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan. They are said to have received great spiritual power here. It was built around the year 37 B.C. and has a long history.


The reactions of people who went there
Since it is a shrine, you enter through the torii gate, but even on warm days, people say that they feel a chill before they pass through the gate. Even on a clear day, it often looks foggy when you take a picture. Perhaps it is the knowledge of having arrived at a place where one cannot get to that makes one feel this way, but many people have reportedly had strange experiences.

Shrines are based on a religion called Shinto, which has no distinction between good and evil. We cannot say that you can’t reach a shrine because you are an evil person.

So, what is the difference between those who can reach this shrine and those who cannot? I think the only criterion that comes to mind is whether or not they are called on by the gods.

If you are going to the Kansai region of Japan, why not give it a try? I think you will find it gratifying to hear that you may have a turning point in your life if you can reach it. Whether you believe in the rumours or not, I think this shrine is well worth visiting.


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